9th Barcelona Symposium
3-4 October 2022
Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

In October 3–4, 2022, Talking Galleries presented the 9th Barcelona Symposium, at the MACBA auditorium.
With the participation of leading international art world figures including Tom-David Bastok (Perrotin Second Marché), Ilaria Bonacossa (National Museum of Digital Art), Nicolas Bourriaud (curator and philosopher), Anna Carreras (digital artist), Ellen de Bruijne (Ellen de Bruijne Projects), Elvira Dyangani Ose (MACBA), Carles Guerra (artist, curator and art critic), Joe Kennedy (Unit London), Dylan Lessel (Perrotin Second Marché), Anika Meier (NFT expert), Alex Mor (mor charpentier), Beatriz Ordovás (Christie’s), Julia Peyton-Jones (Thaddaeus Ropac gallery), Guillaume Piens (Art Paris), Alain Quemin (Université Paris-8), Giusy Ragosa (Galleria Continua), Andrés Reisinger (digital artist), Miguel Ángel Sánchez (ADN Galeria), Jérôme Sans (Materia) and Kate Vass (Kate Vass Galerie) who will debate alongside Andrew Goldstein (Artnet News), Paco Barragán (curator and PhD), Pau Waelder (Niio), Llucià Homs (Talking Galleries) and Farah Nayeri (The New York Times).
Discussion topics in this year’s edition included the impact of NFTs in the gallery market; inclusiveness in the art world; the booming Parisian art scene; the relationships between art fairs and biennials; gallery practices in the secondary market; innovative projects between art and tech, among other relevant matters in today’s art world agenda.
Pau moderated the panel NFTs, now what? with the participation of Joe Kennedy, Co-Founder, Unit London, London; Beatriz Ordovás, International Senior Director and Head of Digital Art, EMEA & Post-War & Contemporary, Iberia, Christie’s; Kate Vass, Founder and Director, Kate Vass Galerie, Zurich; and Andrés Reisinger, digital artist and founder of Reisinger Studio, Barcelona.
Video recordings of the 2022 symposium are available here.
Download the symposium’s schedulehere.
PDF of the printed programme available here.